All three of my daughters heard Dr Martyn Lloyd Jones preaching on his visits to Aberystwyth, but none of my nine grandchildren were born during his long and blessed life. Three of those eight boys so far are in the Christian ministry and they would be familiar with the books and recorded sermons of ‘the Doctor’. I want them all to discover the fascination,
authority, eloquence, practical helpfulness and blessing of his exemplary
preaching. What good it would do all of them! The story of his becoming a Christian, and then receiving a summons to become a preacher during the post-First World War period that was characterised by a national turning away from confessional Christianity, and his move to a church in Port Talbot and then to London, is quite incredible. I have written these pages to introduce the rising generation all over the world to this remarkable life.
‘Here is a unique and fascinating life of Martyn Lloyd-Jones through the eyes of one who was acquainted with him and heard him preach. Geoff Thomas has an engaging style that will hold your attention to the end with details of the Thomas family thrown in for good measure. Though the book has young people in mind, it is sure to be read by people of
all ages to great spiritual profit.’
Philip H. Eveson
Minister, author and former Principal of the London Theological
Dr Geoffrey Thomas was the pastor-preacher at Alfred Place Baptist Church, Aberystwyth for fifty years with his wife Iola. They are the parents of three daughters and have nine grandchildren, three of whom
are in Christian ministry. He now lives in Chiswick, London with his second wife Barbara, and he is a member of Amyand Park Chapel, Twickenham. He is the author of a dozen books, and his sermons are online.
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