We are pleased to say that we are now running tours as normal - all restrictions have been removed.

Ian Cooper has done a You Tube videos which you will find interesting

British Museum Video Tour

Would you like to tour the British Museum to see the Bible related items?

Glenn Shotton, Jim Ransom and Mike Keeping regularly guide groups around the Museum and you are welcome to join one of these groups. All our guides are either serving or retired Pastors and will do their best to accommodate any reasonable request. 

If you would prefer to organise a tour specifically for your own group, please contact Mike email to Mike or Mark email to Mark for further details. (mark@dayone.co.uk)

To join a group? 

From the schedule below, select the dates convenient to you. But you must let us know in advance by sending an email to Mike or Mark. Providing that day is not already full Mike will send you details of the day's arrangements.

Group size?

To enable a group to be comfortably taken around the Museum 20 people is the desired maximum. If a larger number is to be catered for then more than one guide is required. We will gladly arrange a separate date for groups of ten or more but do require at least a months notice to arrange a tour with one of our small number of guides. 

The cost?

Entrance to the British Museum is free and we make no charge for the tours. However, it is appreciated if groups would offset the travel costs which amount to around £48 per guide. Any further gift is left to the group's discretion, but nothing is requested or expected.

Who will lead?

We cannot guarantee which members of the team will be leading a tour on a particular day. 

What does a tour involve?

We meet at 10.45 for an 11.00 start for the ground floor galleries 1.00 break for lunch,1.45 to 3.45 for upstairs galleries. But times can be adjusted to suit your requirements. You can buy Lunch in the Museum or bring your own and eat outside or in the Great Hall, though not at the café tables. (the preference for most of us.) We do not run our tours on a Sunday.

What preparation do you need?

We strongly encourage you to purchase beforehand a copy of "Through the British Museum with the Bible" and to bring it with you for the tour. Click Here if you would like to purchase. You can also purchase the book from the Museum bookshops. You may also be interested to know that we have produced two activity books for children 8-12 years to twin with the Travel Guide: Kings, pharaohs, and bandits and Romans, gladiators and games. These are only available through our web site and not at the Museum shops.

Groups this year


 Date Group
29 March Shirley Lie from Indonesia
12 April
St Peter's Barge  - Tour full  
16 April
Maximillian Yang
26 April
Silver Street Community Church
26 April
Thurlaston Chapel
10 May
Bev Dubberley and Flora Chan
14 May
Westfield House
16 May
Henrik and PJ Lagerquist
24 May
Katy Willis
17 May
Hayes Lane Baptist Church
7 June
Cornhill Trust  - Tour full 
14 June
Spring Meadow Baptist Chapel
26 Sept
Wayne Knapp