The apostle Paul’s ‘epistle’, or letter, to the Romans, is rightly placed first among the New Testament epistles.
It was not the first to be written, but it is the fullest and most systematic explanation of the Christian gospel found anywhere in the Bible and it should be read and understood by every Christian.
The great reformer, Martin Luther, said that it ‘can never be read or pondered too much’, and the great translator and martyr, William Tyndale, said that it is the ‘principal and most excellent part of the New Testament’.
‘Peter very helpfully and simply walks the reader through the development of the Apostle Paul’s mind as he expounds the gospel of Christ Jesus. Anyone that picks up this commentary will certainly discover the riches of Jesus and emerge knowing the Lord better.’
Gavin Kinnaird, Co-Pastor at Trinity Road Chapel, London
Peter Currie describes himself as only a sinner saved by the wonderful grace of God through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.
He spent twenty years working with an insurance company before becoming part of a team producing computer software for insurance companies worldwide.
During this time, he also served as a leader of a Crusader Bible class for boys.
Then, for six years, he devoted himself to caring for his elderly mother. Now he is very involved in the life and ministry of Trinity Road Chapel, London.
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